NEON MiXplorer Themes
NEON MiXplorer Themes are custom themes that change completely the look and feel of MiXplorer File Manager for Android. NEON Themes have Pure Black background and UI elements with vibrant glowing colors. Also, all the icons replaced with new high-quality linear icons to give a more complete minimal look to MiXplorer. Except the beautiful black look NEON Themes save battery on smartphones with AMOLED screens and reduce the eyestrain. To apply the themes find the downloaded .mit theme file with MiXplorer File Manager and import it. Feel free to leave feedback or make suggestions for improvements and bugs through the dedicated XDA support forum for TerrorFlatRider Themes.
- Add to “properties.xml” new entry: <!–<entry key=”solid_color_icons”>yes</entry>–>
- Change all the icons to support transparency for the MiXplorer v6.68.x
- New “net_dlna” icon added
- New “recent” icon added
- Code updates to “properties.xml” from source
- Fixes on “highlight_grid_item” color value
- Initial Release